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Tsinghua Workshop in International Finance 2020-- Postponed --
Since January 2020, the rapid spread of COVID-19 has raised a serious health concern for international travel. Our conference committee have been closely watching the COVID-19 situation. At the beginning, we were hoping that the situation in China could be quickly under control, and our conference could hold as scheduled in June 2020. Unfortunately, now the Covid-19 spread even further outside of China, and the risks of international travel become even higher. Moreover, the University suggests that all conference scheduled before this July should be considered to postpone. Therefore, we have just made the hard decision to postpone this year's TWIF from June 2020 to June 2021. The exact date of TWIF2021 has not been decided right now. We usually make this decision soon after SED announces their dates to avoid the time conflicts.
The two Keynote speakers, Harold L. Cole (University of Pennsylvania) and Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas (UC Berkeley), have kindly agreed to attend our 2021 conference. The paper submission for TWIF2021 will be reopened later this year. Please check our conference website in this summer.
Thank you again for the continuous understanding and support, and we look forward to welcoming you to Beijing in June 2021! Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at liuqing at
The organizing committee:
Chong-En Bai (Tsinghua)
More details of the conference are coming soon!